Read the Label: Ingredients to Avoid in Your Personal Lubricant

What do you picture when you’re planning a special, sexy night with your partner? You already know that the right music, right kind of bedroom talk, and the right toys and attire can elevate the experience for both of you.

Planning to have a natural lubricant on hand is a great idea, too! To give you the most comfort (and maybe even better orgasms!) organic lube can help you take sex to the next level!

But just as you need the right things to help you get turned on in the bedroom, you need the rightlube!

Organic personal lubricants are the best choice. They work really well and don’t fill your body with toxins and chemicals that don’t belong there!

Unfortunately, many lubricants on the market today (even some that are labeled as “natural”) come with a host of unpleasant side effects. Yeast infections, burning, irritation, cancer - none of that sounds sexy at all!

Which ingredients to avoid in your lube

Rest assured, Coconu products do not contain any toxic and irritating ingredients. But we want you to be informed of which ingredients you should be avoiding and why.

Here’s the list:


The biggest problem with glycerin is that it can lead to yeast infections. Glycerin is not sugar but it can behave similarly inside the vagina. Women who are prone to yeast infections may get them more frequently if they use a lube containing glycerin.

Glycerin may also show up labeled as “glycerine” or “glycerol.”


Sorbitol isa sugar. Putting sugar of any sort inside the vagina is a bad idea. Sugar is what yeast thrive on. Overgrowth of yeast causes those yucky infections.


Chlorhexidine is an antibacterial agent. That may be great for keeping bad bacteria from growing in the tube of lube, but it’s not a good thing to put inside the vagina.

Chlorhexidine can kill the good bacteria that live in the vagina, messing with pH levels, and leading to infections. It can also be irritating to the sensitive skin inside the vagina.

Scents or flavors

Artificial scents and flavors can cause skin irritation. The sweeteners that promise to make your lover’s body taste like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry can also lead to yeast infection.


Petroleum comes with a few potential problems. It coats the skin, creating an artificial “layer” and making it difficult for your skin to “breathe.”

Petroleum can also lead to irritation, inflammation, and infection.

Propylene glycol

Propylene glycol is added to lube to keep it from drying out. Unfortunately, if your skin is sensitive, this chemical can cause a reallypainful itching and burning sensation upon contact. The affected area can remain irritated for a few hours. That is definitely a quick and easy way to halt a sexy moment in its tracks!

Polyethylene glycol

Typically labeled as “PEG,” polyethylene glycol is a stabilizer. This chemical can be irritating to the skin, but the worst thing about PEG is that when it absorbs into skin, toxins and heavy metals used in its production absorb right along with it. This enhanced absorption effect can extend to other ingredients it’s paired with, so a lube containing PEG can help any other unsavory lube ingredients to better absorb into your body.


A preservative, phenoxyethanol sometimes shows up labeled simply as “fragrance.” It is often irritating to sensitive skin (especially if you suffer from dermatitis or eczema). In high doses, phenoxyethanol may cause damage to the brain and central nervous system.

Benzoic acid

This is a preservative, intended to give lubes a longer shelf life and keep harmful bacteria from growing in them. Unfortunately, these ingredients can disrupt vaginal pH and cause infections of their own.

Some people are allergic to benzoic acid (which are also used as preservatives in food) and will experience congestion, runny nose, itchy skin, stomach pain, asthma attacks, or headaches when exposed to them.


L-Arginine is added to some lubes because it enhances blood flow to the areas where it’s applied. This is intended to increase sensitivity and make orgasm easier to achieve. But l-Arginine should be avoided by anyone carrying the herpes virus, as it can encourage an outbreak.


Nonoxynol-9 is a spermicide often added to lubes. It kills sperm as well as some STD-causing germs, but it also damages healthy vaginal cells. The damaged cells are then moresusceptible to infection with STDs, including HIV.


Ingredients with “acetate” in the name are alcohols. Alcohol is really irritating to skin and can dry it out (which kind of defeats the purpose of lube!). That extra irritation can lead to damage of skin cells inside the vagina, leaving you more susceptible to infections.


Avoid any ingredient with “-paraben” at the end of it, including methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben.

Parabens are a particularly worrisome ingredient to have in your personal lubricant. Parabens are preservatives, intended to keep bacteria and mold from growing in the lube and prolong its shelf life.

The problem with parabens is how they affect your endocrine (hormone) system.

Parabens easily absorb into the skin. Once inside your body, parabens mimic the effect of estrogen. Too much estrogen, real or fake, can cause severe problems.

In women, excess estrogen can cause similar symptoms to PMS (fatigue, bloating, mood swings, tender breasts, decreased sex drive, etc.) as well as irregular menstrual cycles.

There is potential for elevated estrogen levels to cause certain types of breast cancer.

Fetal development can be also be adversely affected when pregnant women use products containing parabens.

The disruptive effects of parabens on the body can extend to the male reproductive system, raising estrogen levels while lowering sperm counts and testosterone levels. This hormonal imbalance can lead to fertility problems, lower sex drive, and even erectile dysfunction.

Something about all of this just doesn’t seem right. Lubricants should make sex more fun and pleasurable - not contribute to sexual dysfunction!

Which lubricants are safe to use?

The good news is, not all lubes are full of chemicals with scary side effects. Our organic personal lubricants are a totally safe and very effective option! Coconu lubes are made with only safe, organic ingredients and provide an amazingly sensual experience. Our natural lubricants come in oil and water based forms, to fit your preference and lifestyle.

When you make Coconu lubricants part of your sex life, you can enjoy all the fun of sex without without damaging your body!